The blade age begins...
Phantom Exterminator - Kills all phantoms on the world when clicked
Katana Mechanic - Katanas may seem as normal swords as first, until you realise there is no attack speed meter, as the katanas have no attack cooldown, and always deal critical damage. The formula for katanas is "Any Colour,Italic". Katanas are very powerful, and most of them are gained at the new DEM NPC. Katanas can also be split into two types: Normal and Netherite. Obviously, netherite type katanas are made of netherite, and have sharpness 13, instead of the normal type's sharpness 9. All katanas have for 1. Fire Aspect, and for 2. a special (usually custom/modded) enchantment unique to only that katana. This is a table of katanas and their unique ability [THIS MAY NOT BE UPDATED LATER, THIS IS FOR REFERENCE]:
| Celestial Edge | Normal | Limited | Allows for pushing/pulling enemies on right-click
| Astral Fox | Normal | DE | Teleports mob loot directly to the player
| Frostbite | Netherite | DE | Revokes the ability to eat for the enemy
| Thunderclaw | Netherite | DE | Right-Click to spawn 32 instances of lightning (this will be fun)
New Limiteds:
Celestial Edge Katana
New Dungeon Exotics:
Astral Fox Katana
Frostbite Katana
Thunderclaw Katana
New NPCs and currencies:
Dungeon Exotics Marketplace - SubTrader of LIMITEDS - Craft powerful items like limiteds, but with no limit
DET - Gained at DEM - Used as a currency at DEM
Katana Core - Gained at DEM - Main part of crafting katanas