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Repost of printClr(2):

class printClr:
    cPink = '\033[95m'
    cBlue = '\033[94m'
    cCyan = '\033[96m'
    cGreen = '\033[92m'
    cYellow = '\033[93m'
    cRed = '\033[91m'
    cWhite = '\033[0m'
    sBold = '\033[1m'
    sUnderline = '\033[4m'
    end = '\033[0m'

# Colours always start with "c"
# Text styles always start with "s"
# Type "end" at the {printClr.end} of a print() statement to avoid overlapping!
# Type your script below:


print(f"{printClr.cYellow}Hello World{printClr.end}")

Hello World

Timity module:

Get time easily.

Copy the following text into your IDE:

import datetime as dt

class timity:

formatt = "%H:%M:%S"

Daniel Mendez
December 26, 2023 · joined the group.

Simple CMD/Windows Powershell Wireless Wi-Fi password grabber:

Just paste this code into your CMD/Windows Powershell:

netsh wlan show profile name= "MY WIFI NETWORK" key=clear | findstr "Name";netsh wlan show profile name= "MY WIFI NETWORK" key=clear | findstr "Key Content"
Dec 26, 2023

Need help figuring out eligible Wi-Fi networks? Just run this command in CMD/Windows Powershell:

netsh wlan show profiles | findstr "All User Profile"


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